Close Harmony For Men : This Little Light of Mine / Do Lord - Parts CD

This Little Light of Mine / Do Lord - Parts CD
Song Name
This Little Light of Mine / Do Lord
Part-predominant CD
Full Performance

"This Little Light of Mine" and "Do, Lord, Remember Me" are two songs from the African-American spiritual tradition. You can sing the entire song at a moderate tempo, or start a bit slower (as indicated) and increase the tempo with each new section of the music. In either case, the dynamics and intensity should increase throughout the performance of the song. The CD features part-predominant tracks, sung with lyrics.
Item Code 9342c
Weight: 1.60 oz |  Male  |  A Cappella  |  TTBB  |  12 - Barbershop  |  Parts CD  |  Part-Predominant  |  Barbershop Voice Parts CDs  | 
Our price: $14.95