Joan Frey Boytim : The Private Voice Studio Handbook

The Private Voice Studio Handbook
Song Name
Getting Started
Finding My Space and Who Am I, Anyway?
What Do I Need In My Studio
Just A Few Things Before We Start
Getting Organized
New Students
Practice, Practice, Practice
Musical and Vocal Fitness
The Songs We Sing
Anthologies For Adolescent and Novice Singers
Going Public
Vocal Techniques: A Few Tricks of My Trade
Express Yourself: Teaching Styles and Procedures
Should I Major In Music?
Will You Recommend Me?
How Did I Do?
When Your Student Is Your Age Or Older
Business 101
The Inevitable Uncle Sam
Nuts About Nats
Thou Shalt Not Photocopy and Other Ethical Issues
Pick-Me-Ups and Parting Thoughts

A nationally recognized expert in teaching private voice, Joan Boytim has compiled some of the most widely used vocal collections in the US. Her clinics about various aspects of teaching voice, literature, and running a voice studio have been attended by thousands of teachers. Now that professional wisdom has been put into a new book indispensible for independent instructors, The Private Voice Studio Handbook. Its chapters address, in practical detail, topics such as: starting a private voice studio; equipment and space; recruiting and accepting students; ideas for the very first lesson with a student; studio policies, guidelines and ethics; teaching music reading; recommended syllable drills and vocalises; lesson plans; practice procedures; choosing repertoire suitable to students' abilities; finding appropriate sacred solos; accounting and record-keeping; tax, insurance and retirement advice; techniques for teaching voice to children and adults; planning studio recitals; and many more. An excellent resource for college and university voice faculty.
Item Code 6234b
Weight: 19.20 oz |  Number of Pages  176  |  Softcover  |  8 x 11  |  25 - Instructional  |  01 Book  |  Vocal Coaches  | 
Our price: $16.98