John Leavitt : The Madrigal Singer

The Madrigal Singer

John Leavitt has established a reputation for carefully selecting important and historic repertoire, editing it in ways to make singers successful, all while staying true to the stylistic period. This new collection includes Fair Phyllis I Saw (John Farmer), Weep, O Mine Eyes (John Bennet), All Lust und Freud, Tanzen und Springen (Hans Leo Hassler), Il est bel et bon (Pierre Passereau), Tant que vivray (Claudin de Sermisy), Fa una canzona (Orazio Vecchi) and Bonzorno madonna (Antonio Scandello). A value-priced collection of important and standard works. Purchase the Performance Kit and get access to audio tracks online through My Library.
Item Code 4592b
Our price: $4.95