Percy M. Young (editor) : The English Glee

The English Glee
Song Name Composer
The Love Rapture Arne
The Rose Bayley
The Poor Soul Sat Sighing Beckwith
Thyrsis, When He Left Me Callcott
Hark, The Lark Cooke
Susanna And The Two Elders Cooke
Long May Live My Lovely Hetty Cooke
Ring Out Ye Crystal Spheres Smith
The Nightingale Danby
Take, O Take Those Lips Away Elliott
Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount Horsley
O Poesy Horsley
Here In Cool Grot Wellasley
Elegy For Cymbeline Nares
Poor Barbara Shield
Merrily Push Round The Glass Shore
Under The Greenwood Tree Smith
Hail! Smiling Mourn Spofforth
Doubt Thou The Stars Are Fire Stevens
Ye Spotted Snakes Stevens
When From The Skies Divine Cecilia Came Valentine
Divine Cecilia Webbe Sen

In the period between the deaths of Handel and Mendelssohn, the glee was the vehicle by which secular part-singing was carried in England. The form is descended from the madrigal, with texts chosen partly in reaction against the vulgarity of the catch. This new history of the glee begins with an introductory essay detailing the form's historical, musical, and social context. Young has selected twenty-six settings, mainly in four parts but with examples in three and five parts, to show the breadth of the glee in its heyday. A unique feature of the form, and of this collection, is the high literary quality of the text and the high musical quality of the settings. This fine new volume is an essential addition to the choral repertory, and is uniform with the other indispensable Oxford classic choral collections: English Romantic Partsongs, The Oxford Book of English Madrigals, The Oxford Book of French Chansons, The Oxford Book of Italian Madrigals, and The Catch Book.
Item Code 9000b
Weight: 12.00 oz |  Number of Pages  182  |  Softcover  |  7 x 10  |  Mixed  |  Primarily a cappella  |  SATB  |  14 - Choral  |  01 Songbook  |  England  |  English Choral Arrangements  | 
Our price: $24.95