John Bertalot : Teaching Adults to Sight Sing

Teaching Adults to Sight Sing
Song Name
What Sight-singing Is And Is Not
The Essence Of Teaching Sight Singing
How To Start
Musical Notation
A Short History Of Notation
Useful Time Names
Writing Sample Rhythms
Clapping Simple Rhythms
Clapping And Counting
Putting Theory Into Practice
Four-beat Notes, Bar Lines and Time Signatures
Looking At Words And Music
Dotted Notes
Learning New Music By Clapping Rhythm
Looking At The Pitch Of Notes
Pitching Notes Using Warm-ups
Clapping Eighth-notes
Warm-ups using Eighth-notes
Key Signatures
Intervals-The Third
Flat Keys
Intervals - The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Octave
Slurs Ties and Dotted Quarter Notes
Half Note Beats
Compound Time
Starting Off The Beat
Rehearsal Techniques
Warm-up Excersizes

You wish your adult singers could read music. So do they! This new book by internationally honored choir director, John Bertalot, explains in short easy-to-follow steps how you can fulfill their wish - and yours! The book is a most valuable tool for many who face the more extreme difficulty of teaching reluctant adults things that children learn very readily. While the reader may wish to temper some of John's experiences to suite individual situations, they serve as superb resources for ideas, reminders and discipline for all who work with adult singers. Colin Mawby, former Director of Music of London's Westminster Cathedral, writes: 'This book is essential reading for choirmasters and singers. It's superbly structured, beautifully written, down to earth and amusing, and it's destined to become a classic.'
Item Code 6302b
Weight: 7.40 oz |  7 x 10  |  25 - Instructional  |  01 Book  |  Sightsinging Material  |  John Bertalot  | 
Our price: $21.95