Nicola Vaccai : Practical Method of Italian Singing - Baritone or Mezzo-Soprano (Alto)

Practical Method of Italian Singing - Baritone or Mezzo-Soprano (Alto)
Song Name
La Scala
Intervalli Di Quarta
Intervalli Di Sesta
Intervalli Di Settima
Intervalli Di Ottava
I Semitoni
Modo Sincopato
Introdzione Alle Volate
Le Appoggiature Sopra E Sotto
Introduzione Al Mordente
Introduzione Al Gruppetto
Introduzione Al Trillo
Le Volate
Modo Per Portare La Voce
Il Recitativo

Learning to sing means beginning an artistic journey full of rich and unexpected experiences. human voices touch hearts in every nation and yet the best singing has qualities that Italy originated and taught the world to admire. Singing can approach a quality of timeless beauty, yet songs preserve for us the feelings of particular times, whether recent or long ago. Singing gives both the singer and the listener a sensation of freedom and heartfelt expression. Vaccai's masterly Method won increasing popularity with time, and was eventually used in conservatories all over the world. Even today it is often used by singing teachers, who consider it a collection of attractive Ariettas, each serving a particular funtion. And it is quite easy material, perfect for the beginning student. This method book is tailored towards Baritone or Mezzo-Soprano (Alto) voices.
Item Code 5088b
Weight: 5.40 oz |  Number of Pages  40  |  Softcover  |  9 x 12  |  Either  |  Solo  |  30 - Opera  |  Solo 01 Songbook  |  Baritone Alto  |  Classical  |  Baritone Voices  | 
Our price: $6.95