Michael Burkhardt : Part-Singing: Global Style - 15 Songs from around the World for Children's Choirs

Part-Singing: Global Style - 15 Songs from around the World for Children's Choirs
Song Name Composer
Alabre Spain
Dievo Avineli Lithuania
Gloria Argentina
Gloria a Dios Peru
Gloria in excelsis France
Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading Tanzania
Kyrie Russia
Nimemwona Bwana Tanzania
Ososo Korea
Rise to Greet the Sun China
Santo, Santo, Santo Argentina
Sing unto the Lord Slovakia
There Shall a Star from Jacob Shine United Kingdom
Wakatanka taku nitawa United States
Yo Soy la Luz del Mundo Mexico
Solfege-Curwen Hand Signs
Instrumental Parts

This collection is designed to give children initial experiences in part-singing using choral settings of global songs that are reflective of the style and culture of each song's origin. Burkhardt's always-fresh approach provides accessible global music for children's choirs for use throughout the church year and as part of the liturgy. Gathered here are songs from Spain, Lithuania, Argentina, Peru, France, Tanzania, Russia, Korea, China, Slovakia, United Kingsob, United States and Mexico. The Teacher Cdition includes Accompaniment and optional instrumentation for each song, a copy of the music as it appears in the Student Edition, extensive teaching instructions for each song, vocalises and rhythm charts based on each song, Reproducible accompaniment and instrumental pages and pronunciation guides, maps, and background information.
Item Code 6503b
Weight: 13.60 oz |  Number of Pages  154  |  Spiral-bound  |  9 x 12  |  Mixed  |  Kids  |  14 - Choral 20  |  01 Songbook  |  World Music Arrangements  | 
Our price: $24.95