4-Star Collection : Never Stop Dreaming

Never Stop Dreaming
Song Name
Tuxedo Junction
Here Am I, Broken-Hearted
When I Look In Your Eyes
Pal of My Cradle Days
Oh, You Beautiful Doll
The Impossible Dream

Officially, 4 Star Collection registered their quartethood with Sweet Adelines International in 1987. In 1988 and again in 1989 they won their regional competitions. Since then they were 10th in the Internationals in 1989, 5th in '90, 8th in '91, 2nd in '92, 5th in '93, 3rd in '94, 2nd in '95 and in l996 swept the field of 47 other quartets to become the 1997 Queens Of Harmony. Their winning performance that magic evening was "(When It's) Darkness On The Delta," "I'd Give The World To Hear Alexander's Band Again," "Here I Am, Broken Hearted" and, just for yucks, Weird Al's parody of "La Bamba" entitled "Lasagna." As their chords rang out into the hall holding 7,000 enthusiasts, the judges awarded the maximum number of discretionary bonus points possible. Now you can enjoy the same winning perfection that swept the judges and audience that evening.
Item Code 5517c
Bass: Marcia Starnes  Tenor: Connie Miller  Baritone: Denise Baber  Lead: Pat Rygg 
Weight: 3.40 oz |  Female  |  A Cappella  |  12 - Barbershop  |  00 1 CD  |  United States  |  Queens of Harmony 1996  |  Sweet Adelines  | 
Our price: $14.98