Timothy Sharp : Mentoring in the Ensemble Arts

Mentoring in the Ensemble Arts
Song Name
The Mentoring Environment of the Ensemble
Mentoring Defined
Listening for the Voice
The Power of the Mentor
Are Mentors Born of Built?
The Mentor as Leader
The Ongoing Process
Hearing the Voice
The Imperative of Interconnectedness
Skill Set
What we Learn and What We Do
Refining the Voice
Locate Greatness
Mentoring to Greatness

Conductors are artists - but they also have a singular responsibility to go beyond the music to nurture the inner voices of their ensemble members. In Mentoring in the Ensemble Arts, author Tim Sharp examines the mentor/protege dynamic and its critical impact on the lives of ensembles and their conductors. Sharp draws from research, his own experience as a choir conductor, mentor, and protege, and his travels as Executive Director of the American Choral Directors Association. The result is a profound portrait of this rarely discussed aspect of a conductor's life. Coming full circle, Mentoring in the Ensemble Arts reinforces a conductor's own desire to develop his or her own personal learning community to continually strive for excellence by being a protege to other leaders. The goal of this book is to help the conductor realize the full potential of the mentor/protege relationship and to assist both mentor and protege in achieving the best possible benefits of these relationships. The result will be better music making and more fulfilled human beings for generations to come.
Item Code 7453b
Weight: 11.80 oz |  Number of Pages  174  |  Hardcover  |  6 x 9  |  14 - Choral  |  01 Book  |  Vocal Pedagogy  |  Tim Sharp  | 
Our price: $21.95