Gloriae Dei Cantores : Masters of the Renaissance

Masters of the Renaissance
Song Name Composer
Exsultate justi Viadana
Mirabile Mysterium Vinci
Adormus te, Christe Nanino
Voce Mea Porta
Requiem Aeternam Anerio
Kyrie Orlando Lassus
Gloria Orlando Lassus
Credo Orlando Lassus
Sanctus Orlando Lassus
Benedictus Orlando Lassus
Angus Dei Orlando Lassus
Ave Maria Clemens
Jubilate Deo Rore
Improperium Orlando Lassus
Peccavi Super Numerum Wert
Eripe me de inimicis Raselius
Rorate Caeli Guerrero
Dixit Maria Hassler
Verbum caro factum est Hassler
Duo seraphim Esquivel
Ecce sic benedicertur Cristobal de Morales
O Domine Jesu Christe Tomas Luis de Victoria
Ego sum panis vivus Esquivel
O vos omnes Tomas Luis de Victoria
O magnum mysterium William Byrd
Terra tremuit William Byrd
Laboravi in gemitu Thomas Morley
Tibi Laus Philips

This release from Gloriae Dei Cantores features sacred music from one of the most inspired periods in the arts: the Renaissance. Each of the European schools of composition (Italian, Flemish, German, Spanish, and English) is represented by a total of twenty composers, offering a fascinating cross-section of styles and influences. Great masters such as Lassus, Byrd, and Victoria are featured, as well as lesser-known composers such as Hassler, de Wert, and Nanino. The central work of this recording is the Missa super Bella Amfitrit' altera by Lassus, generally considered one of his finest works. Other selections include Anerio's tender and stirring Requiem aeternum and William Byrd's Terra tremuit, which has been described as "one of the most dramatic texts in the whole of music."
Item Code 8637c
Mixed  |  14 - Choral  |  00 1 CD  |  United States  |  Early Music CDs  |  Elizabeth Patterson  | 
Our price: $15.95