Barbershop Harmony Society : Improving Vocal Techniques Through the Warm Up

Improving Vocal Techniques Through the Warm Up
Song Name
Mental Readiness
Physical Readiness
Posture / Allignment
Breath Management
Tone Production
Dipthongs and Triphthongs
Range and Register
Balance / Volume Relationships
On To The Rehearsal

Contains more than 200 vocal exercises under the following headings: mental readiness, physical readiness, posture alignment, breath management, tone production, vowels, articulation, range and register, intonation and balance/volume relations. This is an excellent resource for all singers of any style and along with the exercises and text are some excellent diagrams and photos that really does cover all the bases to insure getting the most from your voice in an effective and safe manner. Highly recommended.
Item Code 8113b
Weight: 17.40 oz |  Male  |  12 - Barbershop 25  |  Vocal Warm Up Exercises  |  United States  |  Vocal Warm Ups  | 
Our price: $24.95