Vocolot : Heart Beat

Heart Beat
Song Name
La Comida
Zog Maran
Guide Me
Who Can You Lean On
Full Circle
Yesh Lanu Koach
For Talia: Born 9/11/85
hese Hands
Ocho Kandelikas
Los Bibilicos
Sarah and Hagar
Pitchu Li/Effen Oyf

Performing together throughout the world since 1988, Vocolot takes its name from the English 'vocal' and the Hebrew word 'kolot,' meaning 'voices.' These six lovely women bring us a passionate celebration of women's voices and (non-vocal) percussion, with songs that affirm life and a vision of one world at peace. Original and traditional music, sung in English, Yiddish, Hebrew and Ladino. 15 songs: the title tune (an original by Linda Hirshhorn of the group, who also wrote 'Who Can You Lean On,' 'Full Circle,' 'For Talia, Born 9/11/85,' 'These Hands' and 'Sarah and Hagar.'), 'La Comida,' 'Zog Maran,' the exuberant'Elokim,' 'Guide Me,' 'Yesh Lanu Koach,' 'Ocho Kandelikas,' 'Los Bilbilicos,' 'Eretz Zavat Chalav U'Dvashand 'Pitchu Li/Effen Oyf.' Beautifully blended harmonies add to the deep feeling of these songs, from the pain and anger of the resistance song 'Zog Moran' to the celebration and joy of the Brazilian song 'Elokim.' A strong, special CD.
Listen To La Comida
Item Code 6797c
Weight: 3.20 oz |  Female  |  A Cappella  |  20 - World  |  00 1 CD  |  United States  |  Jewish a cappella  | 
Our price: $14.98