Bella Voce Women's Chorus : Glorious Seasons

Glorious Seasons
Song Name
The Rose of Sharon
Indian Summer
Cantate Domino
Os Justi
El Romanton
Sing Me to Heaven
Dona Nobis Pacem
Hodie Christus Natus
Dormi Jesu
I Saw Three Ships
Still, Still, Still
Nativity Carol
Christmas Flourish

This recording features selections from the seasons including Spring and Summer from Gustav Holst's Two Eastern Pictures; Daniel Hall's haunting Indian Summer with piano and oboe; and a variety of Christmas pieces including Randol Alan Bass' Christmas Flourish and Gloria for women's voices. Glorious Seasons also contains several unaccompanied pieces by Australian composer, Sandra Milliken. A fine recording from this top notch womens choir under the direction of Dawn Willis.
Item Code 22146c
Weight: 3.60 oz |  Female  |  14 - Choral  |  00 1 CD  |  United States  |  Dawn Willis  | 
Our price: $15.95