Vocolot : Gather Round

Gather Round
Song Name
Ilu Finu
Ki Hem Chayenu
Blessing After the Meal
Women Gathering Round
I Have A Million Nightingales
Ruth And Naomi
Yom Shabbaton
The Full Moon Song
The Berry Song

Gorgeous a cappella English and Hebrew rounds and songs sung by Linda and Vocolot. A classic, it includes "Miriam's Slow Snake Dance by the Riverside" and "Ilu Finu", as well as "The Berry Song" and "The Full Moon Song" with their powerful affirmation of the bond between women and nature.
Item Code 9927c
Weight: 3.20 oz |  Female  |  A Cappella  |  20 - World  |  00 1 CD  |  United States  |  Jewish a cappella  | 
Our price: $14.95