Song Name |
Why are you directing? |
Developing as a director |
Chorus directors as leaders |
Conducting skills |
Running an effective rehearsal |
Developing tone |
Some basic considerations of pitch and intonation |
Some thoughts about rhythm |
Balancing voices |
Developing an interpretive plan |
Why you should know music theory |
Learning styles / teaching methods |
Teaching new music |
The life of a song: from paper to performance |
Auditioning singers |
Arranging the chorus on the risers |
Planning the rehearsal and the musical year |
The music leadership team |
Working with a coach |
Planning for a successful performance |
Leading your chorus |
Why take chorus to contest? |
Understanding the Judging system |
Ten steps to a better singing and performing chorus |
A short history of the barbershop style |
Introducing barbershop to music educators |