Barbershop Harmony Society : Directing a Barbershop Chorus Manual

Directing a Barbershop Chorus Manual
Song Name
Why are you directing?
Developing as a director
Chorus directors as leaders
Conducting skills
Running an effective rehearsal
Developing tone
Some basic considerations of pitch and intonation
Some thoughts about rhythm
Balancing voices
Developing an interpretive plan
Why you should know music theory
Learning styles / teaching methods
Teaching new music
The life of a song: from paper to performance
Auditioning singers
Arranging the chorus on the risers
Planning the rehearsal and the musical year
The music leadership team
Working with a coach
Planning for a successful performance
Leading your chorus
Why take chorus to contest?
Understanding the Judging system
Ten steps to a better singing and performing chorus
A short history of the barbershop style
Introducing barbershop to music educators

A collection of essays on many subjects of importance to directors of all skill levels. You will find methods, techniques and philosophies of effective barbershop chorus directing - represented by the voices of several people, principal among them being Dr. Greg Lyne and Bill Rashleigh.
Item Code 6560b
Weight: 27.70 oz |  Male  |  12 - Barbershop 25  |  01 Book  |  Barbershop Instructional  | 
Our price: $19.95