Debra Spurgeon : Conducting Women's Choirs

Conducting Women's Choirs
Song Name Composer
The History of Women Singing in Groups Debra Spurgeon
The Sacred Choral Works of the Venetian Ospedali Jaenette L. MacCallum
We Sing Ourselves - An Essay about Teaching and Learning with Women Sandra Snow
The Y Factor in an X Chromsome World Philip Swan
Understanding the Young Female Singer Debra Spurgeon
Improving the Sound Debra Spurgeon
Working with Sopranos and Altos Debra Spurgeon
Formations, Acoustics and Singer Preferences Janna Montgomery

Conducting Women's Choirs: Strategies for Success is a pioneering yet practical book and DVD devoted to all aspects of the women's choir - a groundbreaking contribution and a true collaborative effort from top professionals in the field. For the first time in a book, choral leaders bring together historical, philosophical, psychological, sociological, pedagogical, and real-world considerations to the women's choir - information missing from most choral methods and conducting texts. Sections also focus on mentoring, auditions, seating arrangements, historical women's repertoire, healthy vocal development, gender issues, history, status of the women's choir, and much more. This book features research, practical insights, and round-table discussions. The included DVD demonstrates choral techniques and teaching ideas with two women's choirs: Aurora, from Luther College, conducted by Sandra Peter; and The University of Kentucky Women's Choir, conducted by Lori Hetzel. Conducting Women's Choirs is, quite simply, essential for anyone who is involved in the women's choir movement and the culmination of decades of experience and wisdom by leaders in the profession.
Item Code 7822b
Weight: 33.40 oz |  Number of Pages  340  |  Hardcover  |  7 x 10  |  Female  |  14 - Choral  |  01 Book & DVD  | 
Our price: $42.95