Anthony Maiello : Conducting Nuances

Conducting Nuances
Song Name
The Preparatory Beat and the Focal Point of Attention
Fraction Entrances and Cutoffs
Developing Greater Left-Hand Independence
Conducting Transitions
Eliminating Extraneous Movements
When and When Not to Conduct
Conducting Asymmetrical Meters with Efficiency
Score Study and Preparation
Improving Conducting through Self-Assessment

Refining one's conducting technique is a never-ending process, and the efficient use of physical gestures on the podium is a must for every conductor. Conducting Nuances is for those who have studied basic technique and are now ready to bring their craft to the next level. This invaluable book focuses on those awkward and cumbersome moments of particular challenge to conductors. These challenges give conductors the means to grow, creating opportunities to refine and improve technique. Conducting Nuances includes extensive attention to left-hand development, independence, and expressive gestures. Other topics include: delicate transitions, fractional entrances and cutoffs, starts and stops, establishing new tempi without extraneous movements, and changing meters. Extremely helpful videos provide clear models of the major conducting techniques. Checklists and exercises throughout this book reinforce the major points. Anthony Maiello's concise explanations will move conductors from technique to artistry, demonstrating again and again that it is the little things that mean a lot.
Item Code 6622b
Weight: 18.40 oz |  Number of Pages  140  |  Spiral-bound  |  9 x 12  |  14 - Choral 25  |  01 Book  |  Choral Conducting  |  Anthony Maiello  | 
Our price: $34.95