Sabine Horstmann : Choral Vocal Technique

Choral Vocal Technique
Song Name
An overview of the "how" and "why" of vocal pedagogy
Techniques for teaching posture, breathing, resonance, and relaxation
Exercises for high range, low range, dynamics, and diction
Suggestions for planning the choral warm-up
Canonic exercises for developing voice and ear

Frauke Haasemann and her teachings regarding vocal technique have become legendary. Thousands of choral conductors have benefited from her books and workshops. Now, her primary student in Europe, Sabine Horstmann, has published and newly recorded her creative exercises based on the teachings of Frauke Haasemann. On this DVD, Horstmann demonstrates the vocal technique sequences covered in her book, which in the past have been difficult to convey on just ink and paper. This DVD provides an overview of choral vocal technique for choirs at any level of development. The sequential exercises Horstmann demonstrates can serve as the central part of vocal training for any choir. Sabine Horstmann, instructor of Group Vocal Technique and voice at the Robert-Schumann Music University in Dusseldorf, has extensive experience working with singers of all ages. The focal point of her career is her intense work with a variety of choral groups, from children's choirs through adult choirs, and the further education of young conductors through her teaching of Group Vocal Technique and Conducting in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the United States. Horstmann studied voice at Folkwang Music University of Essen with Professor Jakob Stampfli.
Item Code 6662dvd
Weight: 3.40 oz |  Running Time  90 minutes  |  14 - Choral 25  |  DVD  |  Choral Warm-Ups  | 
Our price: $24.95