Dan Locklair : Brief Mass

Brief Mass
Song Name Voicing

Like the basic bread and wine elements of Mass, the fundamental musical materiel of "Brief Mass" are simple. Yet, like the profound and eternal meanings of Mass, the use and development of the musical materials strive for deeper musical dimensions. The pitch material of each movement is basic, very limited, and does not stray from its foundation pitches. Each individual movement serves as a vital link to the whole of the work. "Brief Mass" requires a minimum of eight singers for performance: SSAATTBB. It is suggested that the singers be divided into two separate SATB antiphonal choirs.
Item Code 9268b
Weight: 5.80 oz |  Number of Pages  65  |  Softcover  |  7 x 10  |  Mixed  |  A Cappella  |  SSAATTBB  |  14 - Choral  |  01 Songbook  |  United States  |  Arrangements for 8 Parts  | 
Our price: $14.95