Auto Towners : Auto Towners

Auto Towners
Song Name
in my brand new automobile
white cliffs of dover
cuddle up a little closer
sonny boy
lida rose / dream of now (Bobbie Bostick, solo)
pal of my cradle days
lorabelle lee
sweet dreams will ever take you home
i walk alone (al rebkop solo)
my love is like a red, red rose (clint bostick, solo)
a fellow needs a girl (carl Dablke, solo)
try to remember
georgie girl
for me and my gal
once upon a time
i wish you love
On the Boardwalk in Atlantic City
dancing on the ceiling
through the years

This is one snazzy quartet - the Auto Towners had definitely calculated the entertainment quotient, and one look at them in their costumes on the back cover will tell you that; their win at the 1966 Chicago Convention made quite an impression! Though they only continued quartetting until '69, songs such as "My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose" (with a solo by Clint Bostick, baritone) and "Everything's Coming Up Roses" evoke all of the romance and nostalgia of this classic American form, and are impossible to resist. Truly awesome versions of "I Wish You Love," "Dancing On The Ceiling" and "Through The Years" show that the Auto Towners actual forte were tender, achingly lovely ballads - the harmonic resonance of these four voices would stop traffic!
Item Code 5553c
Bass: Carl Dahike  Tenor: Al Rehkop  Baritone: Clint Bostick  Lead: Glen Van Tassel 
Weight: 3.20 oz |  male  |  A Cappella  |  12 - Barbershop  |  00 1 CD  |  United States  |  Barbershop Quartet Champions 1966  |  Mens Barbershop Quartets CDs  | 
Our price: $14.98