In Celebration of the Human Voice - The Essential Musical Instrument

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Emily Crocker (editor)
Essential Repertoire for the Developing Choir

Adorar al Nino (Come Adore The Baby)
At Night
Awake, Awake!
Barbara Allen
Chi la Gagliarda (Come Dance The Galliard)
Dadme albricias, hijos d'Eva
The Falcon
The Fiddler
Gather Ye Rosebuds
Gloria In Excelsis Deo
Home On That Rock
A House Stands 'neath The Willows' Shade
How Sad Flow The Streams
I Will Sing The Goodness Of The Lord
I'd Enter Your Garden
In Pride Of May
Je Le Vous Dirai
Jubilate Deo
Masters In This Hall
Never Tell Thy Love
O Bella Fusa
O occhi manza mia (Thine Eyes, Oh, My Beloved)
Pastores a Belen
Que Regalo? (What Shall I Bring?)
The Sky Can Still Remember
Song For A Russian Child
Tutto Lo Di Mi Dici 'Canta' (Day After Day They All Sang 'Sing')
When I Was One-and-Twenty
With A Voice Of Singing

Essential Repertoire is a core library of time-tested choral works which provide a framework for teaching style and history, all through performance. The graded series includes Masterworks (Renaissance through Contemporary), Folksongs (American and Multicultural), Spirituals, A Cappella and Accompanied works. The series is available for beginning through advanced choirs, and for mixed, treble and tenor bass ensembles.

Item code: 1819B | Songbook | $24.95 add item to cart
Choral | SATB | 312 Pages | Softcover | 8 x 11
073999401134 | 0793543401 | 08740113

Music series: Essential Repertoire for Choir

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