In Celebration of the Human Voice - The Essential Musical Instrument

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Arrangements for Young Singers

Kids love to sing and teaching them to do so can be very rewarding. Here we carry arrangements specifically created for younger vocal ensembles and solo singers.

Choral Series for Young Singers

Choral Series for Young Singers

A growing collection of sheet music series of arrangements for younger voices

Choral Songbooks for Youth Choirs

Choral Songbooks for Youth Choirs

A collection of arrangements for teenager singers of all abilities. Perfect for youth choirs and high school singing ensembles.

Choral Songbooks for Elementary Students

Choral Songbooks for Elementary Students

A collection of songbooks for elementary age children. Accessible and enjoyable these songbooks offer a wide selection of songs that are designed to be fun to sing.

Christian Choral Songbooks for Children

Christian Choral Songbooks for Children

It's never too early for our youth to sing in church or at home. These songbooks are suitable for youth choirs and other Christian singing ensembles.

Choral Arrangements of Novelty Songs

Choral Arrangements of Novelty Songs

A novelty song is a comical or nonsensical song, performed principally for its comical effect. We all enjoy a good laugh and a novelty song is always a great way to lighten the mood. They are fun for the singers and audiences alike and are a great addition to your repertoire.

Songbooks for Preschool

Songbooks for Preschool

It's never to early to teach children the joys of singing together.

Mini Musicals

Mini Musicals

Usually lasting between 10 and 20 minutes these fully scripted musicals include several songs, narrative, staging directions, singers editions and accompaniment CDs.

Songbooks for Solo Kids Voice

Songbooks for Solo Kids Voice

It's never to early to learn to sing and the younger a person starts the more Arrangements for Young Singersyears of enjoyment they can experience. These songbooks for kids are especially designed for the younger singer and include many songs that are suitable for a child's performance. Your children will enjoy performing these songs and will help develop their singing style.

Christian Solo Songbooks for Children

Christian Solo Songbooks for Children

It's never too early for our youth to sing in church or at home. These songbooks are suitable for any youth who would like to sing in praise of God.

Songbooks for Solo Teen Voices

Songbooks for Solo Teen Voices

Voice change in adolescence is due to hormonal increases associated with puberty. A major effect of these hormones is an increase in vocal fold length for both girls and boys and an increase in vocal fold thickness for boys. These changes lead to a lowering of both speaking and singing pitches. Boys' voices do suddenly just change - it's to do with a growth spurt in the larynx - they go from lovely high treble to down below middle C and a range of about 6 notes. These songbooks are designed specifically for teen voices.

Teaching Kids to Sing

Teaching Kids to Sing

One of the hardest things a voice teacher has to do is to help a singer lose their bad habits, and we all know how well ingrained a bad habit can be. With the products available here, your kids will be able to skip the bad habits stage and go right into being good singers. What could be better? Without being so childish as to bore the kids, these works are aimed at teaching younger singers in techniques that work with the sweeter, tender voices of youthful singers. They cover the vast array of skills and techniques a choral director, conductor or teacher, with examples from some of the most prestigious children’s choirs from around the globe.

Development Material for Children's Choir Directors

Development Material for Children's Choir Directors

There’s more to keeping a group of children interested in singing than just having fun arrangements, as we’re sure our customers who direct choirs are well aware. There are techniques and styles that are useful to learn if directing a children’s choir is something you’d like to do one day, or are even doing now. And fortunately for our customers who are in need of this learning experience, Primarily A Cappella has gathered a selection of products that will teach you what you need to know to keep the kids interested, and singing those beautiful clear, pure sounds only a children’s choir can produce.

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