July 28, 2011
Zing! - The Best Seat in the House

Tenor Michelle sang with the Kansas City Chorus and numerous internationally competitive quartets since 1992; Lead Susan started her barbershop hobby in 1981 in the Sunflower Harmony Chorus, began quartet singing in 1984, finally winning her first crown singing lead with the 1998 Champions Classic Edition; Baritone Mary directs the OK City Chorus and has sung with several quartets and numerous choruses from Gem City to Pride of Baltimore; and Bass Melynnie started singing barbershop in 1994, sings with the Oklahoma Jubilee Chorus, and Zing! is only her 2nd quartet. These four were named 2010 International Quartet Champions at the 2009 Nashville Convention, and "The Best Seat in the House" was nominated for two CARA Awards: Best Barbershop Album and Best Barbershop Single for "What'll I Do!" There are 12 other excellent cuts on the album, "Zing" Went the Strings of My Heart," "I've Got the World on a String," "Crazy Little Thing Called Love," "The Song's Gotta Come from the Heart," the title tune, "You Turned the Tables on Me," "My Foolish Heart" and "The Party's Over." See what all the buzz is about--this CD is great stuff from the first cut to the last!
9831 CD 14.95
Listen to "You Turned the Tables on Me
Posted by acapnews at 1:49 AM