October 1, 2009
Zing! - Zing!

Since Susan, Michelle, Melynnie and LaDonna began singing together as Zing! In 2001, their coach Melodee Wright, who sang tenor with 1977 Sweet Adelines Quartet Champs Shondells, has been a huge supporter, helping them win their first place regional champion medals and breaking into the top five in International competition in Las Vegas in 2006. There are 12 solid cuts here by this veteran quartet, some of our favorites are the group's theme song, "Zing! Went The Strings Of My Heart," "If You Love Me, Really Love Me," The Turtles' "Happy Together," "I Can't Give You Anything But Love/L-O-V-E Medley," "The Old Piano Roll Blues," Spanky and Our Gang's "Lazy Day" and "Every Time We Say Goodbye." They are joined on the lovely "Let There Be Peace On Earth" by their good friends 12th Street Rag, BHS International competitors. Zing! has a sweet, powerful sound and every one of these cuts is a winner!
5867 CD 19.95
Listen to "Happy Together
Posted by acapnews at October 1, 2009 12:08 AM