August 20, 2009
Acappella - Find Your Way

Keith Lancaster's prolific, Tennessee-based Acapella Company presents this Contemporary quintet, featuring Allen Brantley, Keith's son Anthony Lancaster, Robin Brannon, Zac George and Zachary Wilson. All 11 songs here are written and composed by Keith, "Calling Forth," "Let Me Tell You," "Something To Hold On To," the inspiring round "All Over The World," "Fill Us," "Joined Together," "Almighty God," "Find Your Way," "Going Down To The River," "For Your Deliverance" and "May The Presence Of The Lord." Keith Lancaster has also produced the album. The wonderful deep-bassed harmonies and inspiring lyrics will surely help you "Find Your Way," through the soulful ministry of the Acapella Company!
9216 CD 14.95
Listen to "All Over The World
Posted by acapnews at August 20, 2009 12:00 AM