July 14, 2009
Ringmasters - Ringmasters

The Swedish Barbershop quartet Ringmasters was founded in the fall of 2006, and they immediately were named "the young talents" in Barbershop circles. In the summer of 2008 they won their first International Gold in the Bank of America Collegiate Quartet Contest. And in 2009 they surprised the world at the Anaheim BHS Internationals, tying State Line Grocery for 4th Place. That marked the first time that a non-US group had placed in the top 10! "Live" is a limited edition, live recording of 8 songs at the Swedish venue Nybrokajen 11. Don't be too surprised to hear beautiful women's voices join Ringmasters (what a great Barbershop name!) on "Live," they are joined by Swedish Folk a cappella quartet Kraja on two cuts, "Come In and Stay Awhile" and "Limu, Limu, Lima." The other six tunes are Simon & Garfunkel's "Baby Driver," "Lazybones," Lennon/McCartney's "Can't Buy Me Love" and "Blackbird," "Blue Skies" and "Yes Sir, That's My Baby." Ringmasters have a fresh, powerful sound that obviously delights their live audience in addition to us. The Swedes are coming, and you really should hear them!
5862 CD 14.95
Listen to "Yes Sir, That's My Baby
Posted by acapnews at July 14, 2009 1:36 AM