January 22, 2009
King's Herald - Anthology Vol 2

The heritage of the ministry of the Thousand-Oaks, CA-based male Gospel quartet King's Heralds goes back to four young college students who came together to sing in Keene, Texas in 1927, and continues today for the present King's Heralds, the oldest continuous Gospel Quartet in America. Twenty-nine men have been a part of the quartet, and they have recorded in 30 languages, on over 100 albums and toured over fifty countries. The current members, Don, Joel, Russell and Jeff, have 5 excellent CDs and one DVD in the PAC catalog. There are 16 classic tunes here, from the accompanied, jazzy "City of Light," the a cappella spiritual "You Better Mind," and the richly harmonic "I'd Rather Have Jesus" to the lightly accompanied "One Thing I Ask," "Pass Me Not," and the spirituals "Just a Little While," and the a cappella "Si'Down Servant," this is all spirited, deeply-felt, beautifully sung Gospel music. The a cappella songs "In a Little While We're Going Home" and "There Must Be A City" are simply beautiful. Much more accompaniment than we're used to with the King's Heralds, but the vocals and harmonies are as wonderful as ever!
2287 CD 14.95
Listen to "I'd Rather Have Jesus
Posted by acapnews at January 22, 2009 12:00 AM