January 6, 2009
Four Bettys - Good Queen Fun

Chicago-based Four Bettys' first step onto the Sweet Adelines International Stage in 2004 in Indianapolis turned quite a few heads when they placed 7th. In Detroit in 2005 they took 3rd, in Las Vegas in 2006 they won 2nd, and in Alberta, Canada in 2008 they were crowned SAI Champions! The 13 songs on "Good Queen Fun" show us why. The Bettys, with a passion for performing and a combined 40+ years singing, are a joy to listen to! Some favorites are "Wonderful Day/Zip a Dee Do Dah Medley," "Come Fly with Me," "Spreadin' Rhythm Around," "Dr. Jazz/Land of Jazz Medley," Chicago's "Saturday In The Park," "My Melancholy Baby," "Gospel Medley," "This Is Some Lucky Day" and "Who I Am." With their solid harmonies and leads, the Bettys are all about great entertainment, and we're sure you'll enjoy this strong collection from one of Sweet Adelines' elite groups!
5853 CD 14.95
Listen to "My Melancholy Baby
Posted by acapnews at January 6, 2009 12:00 AM