November 14, 2008
Go Fish - Party Like A Preschooler

3-man Go Fish have 9 best-selling collections of their Contemporary Christian original tunes in the PAC catalog. "Party Like A Preschooler, is all accompanied covers, although all of them feature cutting-edge arrangements by the group. But the purpose of "Party" is more simple than previous recordings, which dealt with Christian issues and ways of seeing the world, "Party" is simply fun, sing-along and dance-along music for kids, done with amazing energy, joy and spirit by the group. "Do Your Ears Hang Low," "The Wheels on the Bus," "Pop Goes the Weasel," "5 Little Monkeys," "The A,B,Cs," "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt"…these were as familiar as our breath when we were growing up, but we never heard them done like this. Kids will love "Party Like a Preschooler," and their parents will dig it too. As the headline in the liner notes says, this is "Great music for kids that won't drive parents bonkers." In fact there's a bonus track for dads, "It's hard to be cool (in a mini-van)!"
2258 CD 9.95
Listen to "Pop Goes the Weasel
Posted by acapnews at November 14, 2008 12:01 AM