August 22, 2008
Hi-Fidelity - Reach For The Stars

Speaking of really funny, top-drawer Barbershop show quartets, '06 Harmony Sweeps National Champion and Audience Favorite Hi-Fidelity are one of our personal favorites. Having cracked us up and broken our hearts with their perfectly costumed Adams Family set at the Sweeps, they have Reached for the Stars in their new show, and grabbed them! 16 tunes, the first half being more standard Barbershop fare such as "Make 'Em Laugh," "Best Seat In The House," the live, hilarious, chord-cracking "Bright Was The Night Parody," the live, loaded-with-BHS-in-jokes "Second Place Parody," "I Don't Know Medley," the exquisite "Danny Boy," the side-splitting "(Everyone's Kissing My) Fanny," "Heart Of A Clown," and "Unforgettable" (with guest Sweet Adelines quartet SparX) The second half tunes are the true icing on the cake. The first 3 are from HF's live set from the '07 Denver BHS, performed in perfect Trekkie costumes and personas, "Enterprise/Sulu Medley," "Star Trek Dialog" and "Star Trek Girls Medley" (this stuff is as funny as any Barbershop sketch comedy we've heard!). The related, but not live, "Come Fly With Me/Fly Me to the Moon Medley," "Wish Upon a Star/Impossible Dream Medley," "Lost In The Stars" and "Goodbye" finish the album very nicely. Funny, touching, beautiful stuff from one of the best quartets in the business!
5831 CD 14.95
Listen to "Star Trek Girls Medley
Posted by acapnews at August 22, 2008 1:19 PM