March 26, 2008
Blue Cheese - Roll Back The Stone

OK, it's a funny name for a 3-man, 1-woman Bluegrass Gospel quartet, formed by 4 BYU students in 2003, but once we've heard these yummy harmonies and spirited tunes, we aren't likely to forget the name! From the color pictures scattered in the liner notes we see that these four are having a good time performing and spreading their ministry, dressing in blue jeans, non-matching shirts and t-shirts, and even in hillbilly hats and beards. The 15 songs, however, are as simple and powerful as any a cappella Bluegrass or Gospel we have ever heard. "Reaping in the Spirit," "Brethren, We Have Met to Worship," the title tune, "Death Shall Not Destroy My Comfort," the wonderful "Angel Band," "Jesus' Love is like a River," "Abide with Me," the traditional Christmas tunes "What Child is This," "Silent Night," the spiritual "Christmas Train," with lyrics by the group, and the traditional "We'll Soone Be Done" are Gospel favorites. Secular tunes like "Danny Boy," with guest artist Kristine Perry, "You are my Sunshine" and "I am a Man of Constant Sorrow" from the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou" are also excellent. Blue Cheese is strong, tasty stuff that takes us back to the beginnings of country music, that makes us want to tap our feet and sing along!
2498 CD 14.95
Listen to "Roll Back the Stone
Posted by acapnews at March 26, 2008 12:16 AM