October 21, 2006
Musical Island Boys

From the other "down under" here is an excellent recording from the Wellington, New Zealand based quartet Musical Island Boys who are a certifiable barbershop boy band phenomenon. Winners of many N.Z. awards the quartet won top honors and gold medals in Indianapolis (06) in the Barbershop Society International College Championship, the first non US quartet to win in the history of the competition. And it's easy to see why these lads have done so well when you hear their excellent renditions of the arrangements of Ed Waesche, David Wright and Joe Liles. All four singers are of Pacific Islander heritage including Samoan and Maori and perhaps it's the great tradition of singing in their cultures that give them the special touch they so clearly demonstrate. Recommended
5753 CD 14.98
Listen to "Pokarekare Ana"
Posted by acapnews at October 21, 2006 3:10 AM