March 8, 2006
Ro Sham Bo - It's Not Over

Berkeley, CA's 3 man, 3 woman a cappella jazz ensemble Ro Sham Bo, whose performance at the upcoming Harmony Sweeps Bay Area Regional we look forward to with great anticipation, bring us this impressive debut CD of 12 songs. The sophisticated salsa jazzy "Mas Que Nada" starts the program, the brilliantly arranged "Nature Boy," the jazzy, upbeat "Barney is the Devil," "Why Haven't I Heard From You," "Greasy Granny" and "It's Over," the bluenote, scattish "Anthopology," the Blues standard "God Bless the Child," the moody "Interlude" and the striking bluenote arrangement of "Ballgame," which was a special request that the group sang only one time, are favorites. "It's not over" is a beautifully selected, arranged and performed debut by this talented mixed Bay Area sextet!
7472c CD 14.98
Listen to "Anthropology"
Posted by acapnews at March 8, 2006 12:05 AM