January 7, 2006
Coco's Lunch - Rat Trap Snap

Australia's hottest and most innovative all-woman a cappella quintet Coco's Lunch are dedicated to composing and performing original and inspiring music, and they succeed with relish on "Rat Trap Snap!" These 14 group-written and composed songs are clever, jazzy, catchy and fun. Check out the faux horns on the bouncy "Let's Dance," tap your feet to the rhythmic, saucy salsa tune "Fire" and soaring "Away" ( both with non-vocal percussion), enjoy the silly, jazzy "Little Miss Muffet," the McFerrinesque "Nip," and the highly instructional "Baby in Her Belly." "I Sweep My Feet" enters the mind of a precocious child, "Nowhere Train" rolls on a vocal percussion track, and "Rain" and the title tune are surreal romps. "Snap" is a refreshing, surprising joy.
9870c CD 14.98
Listen to "Rat Trap Snap"
Posted by acapnews at January 7, 2006 12:08 AM