November 16, 2005
The Isaacs - Bluegrass A cappella

A family group based in Lafollette, TN, the current group members are Lily, Ben, Sonya and Rebecca Isaacs and Rebecca's husband John Bowman. Traveling and singing together for over 30 years, they have a unique style that marries bluegrass music with gospel lyrics. Their concert venues have ranged from the Grand Ole Opry, to Carnegie Hall, and they have won multiple Bluegrass awards for Album of the Year and Gospel Recorded Performance of the Year. We particularly love the spirited original by David Marshall, "Don't You Want To Go To Heaven," three originals by Sonya, "Least I Can Do" (written with Ben Isaacs), the lovely "What Do You See" (sung to the baby Jesus), and "There Through It All" (written with her sister Rebecca); Joe Isaac's "Reaping In the Spirit," and James Hendrix' "I Have A Father Who Can." Covers of "The Star Spangled Banner," "Talk About Suffering" and "Amazing Grace" are fine and soulful. The deep Gospel feeling of these songs goes well with the Bluegrass harmonies, and the pure, simple a cappella voices. "Bluegrass" is the good, authentic stuff, one of the best a cappella Gospel CDs of the year!
3031c CD 14.98
Listen to "Reaping The Spirit"
Posted by acapnews at November 16, 2005 1:31 AM