September 22, 2005
Heart of Texas Chorus - Inspiration From The Heart

Cindy Hansen had been coaching men's and women's choruses and quartets since 1981 when she was a student at Western Michigan University. In 1983 she was asked to coach the West Towns Chorus, who went on to be International Champs. She now has a "who's who" list of gold medal-winning quartets and choruses on her resume. The changes she institutes range from sound and arrangements to creating "visual packages" for the group in performance, and the Heart of Texas Chorus has received many of her "enhansenments." The result is a spirit, a sound, a "juice" that is pure entertainment, but don't take our word for it—listen to the HOTC on these 20 songs: "There's a Meeting Here Tonight," "Operator," Saturday Evening Post's "Gospel Medley," an unbelievable arrangement of "Battle Hymn of the Republic," a dynamic "All Rise," Hot Pursuit's arrangement of "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands," Vanguard's "When There's Love at Home," HOT Lite's "Ain't a That Good News"… we could go on and on, but we trust that excellence rises to the top in the Barbershop world, so just listen to "Inspiration from the Heart," and become a believer in Cindy Hansen and the men of the Heart of Texas Chorus. One more thing, don't miss bonus tracks "Yes, Sir, That's My Baby" and "I'll Be Seeing You!"
5687 CD 14.98
Posted by acapnews at September 22, 2005 2:40 AM