July 30, 2005
Moosebutter - Udder Won

There they were, 4 young guys from Utah at one of the daytime West Coast Summit "showcase concerts," in white headbands, red polyester running pants and black windbreakers, singing "Captain Organic Vegetable Man" and "Star Wars." That night they were invited to do some of their set at the big Summit concert at Marin Veterans Auditorium, and the crowd went nuts. Segue to May, 2003, another Saturday night on the same stage--the Harmony Sweeps Finals, where Moosebutter came in second only because The Idea of North could have beaten a choir of angels that night. Although they're not our type, we loved Moosebutter from the beginning, and have played their 1st CD, "See Dee," until "Psycho, the Musical" sounds like Alvin & the Chipmunks. Their long-awaited 2nd CD, "udder won" is now safely installed in our boombox. 15 manic songs, like "Uncle Earl's Hairpiece," the deeply romantic "The Valentine's Day Song," "Harry Potter" (sung to the tune of Roy Orbison's "Pretty Woman"), "I Hate Mosquitoes," "Rubber Monkey," "Hicksville, parts 1 and 2," "Jon Boy Jon," a particularly crazed "Witch Doctor" and the never-ending "Squirrels" (In My Nose). "Udder won" (which we think refers to the fact that they had one "See Dee" and this, obviously, is the "udder won"), is funny, bizarre, weird, brilliant and totally bananas. Our theory centers on something in the Utah water, and we'll take a six-pack!
7462c CD 14.98
Posted by acapnews at July 30, 2005 2:41 AM