June 6, 2005
Undivided - Conectate

Released at the same time as "A capella from the Soul," "Conectate" includes many of those songs, sung in Spanish. "Dios tu Nombre Exaltare," for instance corresponds to the reggae Gospel tune "Lord I Lift Your Name On High," "Cuando Suene La Trompeta" is "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder," "Oh, que amigo nos es Cristo" is "Oh, What a Friend We Have in Jesus," "Sublime Gracia" is "Amazing Grace," etc. "Jamappella," "Es Jesus" and "What's Going On" appear on both CDs. Two songs are new, the salsa romp "Dame una Sonrisa" and the breezy title tune. Undivided's pure vocal power and feeling is underscored on this wonderful, all-Spanish Contemporary Christian CD.
2897 CD 14.98
Listen to "What's Going On?"
Posted by acapnews at June 6, 2005 2:44 PM