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Madrigals For A Tudor King - Verdelot

Song NameComposer
Italia mia bench' el parlar'Philippe Verdelot
Con l'angelico risoPhilippe Verdelot
Quanto sia lieto il gironoPhilippe Verdelot
Lasso, che se credutoPhilippe Verdelot
O dolce noctePhilippe Verdelot
Madonna qual certecaPhilippe Verdelot
Afflicti spirti meiPhilippe Verdelot
Dentr' al mio cor'Philippe Verdelot
Quando nascesti, Amore?Philippe Verdelot
Piove da li occhiPhilippe Verdelot
Pur troppo, donnaPhilippe Verdelot
I vostri acuti dardiPhilippe Verdelot
Chi non fa prove, amorePhilippe Verdelot
Leit' e madonna et io purPhilippe Verdelot
Con lacrim' et sospir' negando porgePhilippe Verdelot
Donna, se fera stellaPhilippe Verdelot
Ognun si duol' d'amorePhilippe Verdelot
Altro non e el mio amor'Philippe Verdelot
Madonna io v'amo e taccioPhilippe Verdelot
Si suave e l'inghannoPhilippe Verdelot
Se ben' li occhiPhilippe Verdelot
Cortese alma gentilePhilippe Verdelot
Quanta doleca amorePhilippe Verdelot
Donna che sete fra le donne bellePhilippe Verdelot
La bella donnaPhilippe Verdelot
Deh, quant' e dolc' amorPhilippe Verdelot
Donna leggiadr' et bellaPhilippe Verdelot
Madonna, per voi ardoPhilippe Verdelot
Amor, io sento l'almaPhilippe Verdelot
Ultimi mei sospiriPhilippe Verdelot

Directed by David Skinner

Philippe Verdelot was the most important composer of Italian madrigals in the early 16th century and recognized as the greatest innovator of the genre. A Frenchman, he occupied several important musical posts in Italy, including the Florentine posts of maestro di cappella at the Baptistry of S. Maria del Fiore and the great Duomo itself. In the mid 1520s, during his time in Florence, a set of part-books were assembled, probably under Verdelot's supervision, for the court of Henry VIII. Most, if not all, of the works were composed by Verdelot. This is the first recording of the complete madrigals in the collection, which stands not only as the most exceptional of diplomatic musical gifts but is also an important source for the history of the early madrigal.

Item code: 9012C | 1 CD | $17.95 add item to cart
Early Music | A Cappella | Mixed | England

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