December 8, 2007
Yale Schola Cantorium - Bertali: Missa Ressurectionis

According to a note on the cover of the original manuscript, which survives in the Castle Archives at Kromeriz in the Czech Republic, Bertali’s Missa Resurrectionis was performed in Vienna, seat of the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, on Easter Sunday 1666. The Missa Resurrectionis is one of several dozen settings by Bertali that include all five sections of the Common of the Mass: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus & Benedictus, and Agnus Dei. This was by no means always the case - various religious feasts required only a Missa brevis (Kyrie and Gloria only), while others also included a setting of the Credo. Two motets by the North German singer-composer Christian Geist (1670–1711) set suitable Easter texts: Resurrexi et adhuc tecum sum is the Introit for Easter Sunday, while Surrexit pastor bonus comes from the Matins service for Easter Monday. Directed by former King's Singer Simon Carrington this is a most fascinating recording. 8675 CD 15.95
Posted by acapnews at December 8, 2007 12:04 AM