March 4, 2007
San Francisco Girls Chorus - Voices of Hope and Peace
Beginning in 2004 with their desire to record "Anne Frank, A Living Voice," written for Chorissima's 25th Anniversary, "Voices" is the result of their search for work by women writers like Frank, who were longing for change in their situations. Joan Szymko's powerful "Vivos Voco" and "Nada Te Turbe" (with text by St. Teresa of Avila (1515-82), "A Hope Carol," and "Echo," which feature wonderful poems by Christina Rossetti (1830-94), and "I Shall Keep Singing," with text by Emily Dickinson, are fine examples. Libby Larsen's "The Womanly Song of God" and "Sing Me to Heaven," with text by Jane Griner, lead us into the lovely, haunting 7-part "Anne Frank, A Living Voice," which touches and moves us on many levels. "Hebrew Rounds for Peace" is an apt choice for the final tune. Light accompaniment throughout, and extensive, colorful liner notes. "Voices" is another beautiful, powerful, well-chosen collection by Susan McMane's talented San Francisco Girls Chorus. 8553 CD 15.95
Posted by acapnews at March 4, 2007 3:20 AM