March 12, 2005
Sixth World Symposium on Choral Music
The 6th World Symposium on Choral Music took place in Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN, in August of 2002, hosted by the American Choral Director's Association. The Symposium takes place every 3 years and features prominent choral specialists and choirs from around the world in lectures and concerts. This 2-CD set features live recordings of 27 choirs from around the world, beginning with Chanticleer's "I Dream of Jeannie," and ending with the combined choirs singing "What A Mighty God." Representing the US, besides Chanticleer, are AmericaFest, singing "One By One (from the Lion King)," Michigan State U. Children's Choir, singing "My Lord, What a Morning" and "Billy and Ming do the Be-Bop Thing," the St. Olaf Choir, singing the Moses Hogan-arranged "This Little Light of Mine," Dale Warland Singers, with "Snow (The King's Trumpeter)", and VocalEssence Ensemble Singers, singing "Antiphon for the Virgin." There is so much amazing music on this CD, we will mention a handful of other favorites: Cantoria de Merida of Venezuela's "El Gavan," Univ. of Pretoria Concert Choir's "A Selection of Traditional African Folk Music," Garganta Profunda of Brazil's jazzy "O pato," National Youth Choir of Namibia's "Sangena" and The Norweigian Soloists Choir's "Mon Dieu, mon adore." But if you are interested in the best of Contemporary Choral music, "Choral Highlights" is for you! Some light accompaniment, beautiful, extensive liner notes.
7713 2CDs 24.98
Posted by acapnews at March 12, 2005 10:51 PM