March 16, 2005
Boys of King's College - Heavenly Voices
The 16 young, fair-faced boys in their red and white robes with crisp, white collars and dark ties, file into the magnificent cathedral, as they have done for some 550 years now since King Henry VI, no older than an undergraduate himself, founded King's College and their choir. Here are 17 selections, possibly the greatest sacred choral music written since that time: Cesar Franck's "Panis Angelicus" and "Alleluia," Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's "I Waited For The Lord" and "Lift Thine Eyes," Gabriel Faure's "Pie Jesu," "Ave Maria" and the 4 movements of his "Messe Basse," Verdi's "Laudi Alla Vergine Maria," the 2 movements of Sigfrid Karg-Elert's "Dritte Sinfonische Kanzone," Schubert's "Gott Ist Mein Hirt" and others. Light organ accompaniment. This is the music that has filled cathedrals like this one for centuries, with worshippers wanting to hear the voices of angels in a place where they would certainly be found. Soaring, beautiful music from the Boys of King's College!
7523 CD 15.98
Posted by acapnews at March 16, 2005 10:56 PM