January 6, 2007
Javier Busto - Hondarriba

Renowned composer and conductor Javier Busto Sagrado, creator and founder, in 1995 of the women's choir Kanta Cantemus Korua, was born in the city of Hondarribia in the Basque country of Spain. For "Hondarribia, Ametsetan," an eclectic collection of 16 largely sacred works, most sung in Spanish, Busto directs a mixed-voice a cappella ensemble of 32 voices. "Himno a la virgen," "Ave Maria," "Laudate Dominum," "Laudate Pueri," the lovely "Soinuen itsasoa," "O Sacrum Convivium," "Ametsetan," "Porrusalda," "Esta tierra," "O Magnum Mysterium" and "Hodie Christus natus est" are some of our favorites, but it's hard to choose. Busto's nod to his hometown in the title in this fine collection is apropos, as all sacred music strives to bring us home. Lovely and touching choral works, by Javier Busto, one of the world's best conductor/composers.
8479 CD 15.98
Listen to "Esta Tierra"
Posted by acapnews at January 6, 2007 12:34 AM